About Us

We're a small team of passionate traders who want to share our knowledge with as many people as possible. Back when we first started, Bitcoin trading was still a fairly new concept, which meant that not many people were interested in it. While we weren't too eager to invest our money in Bitcoin right away, we were interested to see which direction it was going to take in the future.

Who Are We?

As time passed, we started learning more about all the benefits of cryptocurrencies on the global market and how we could use those assets for better and faster international transactions. However, the thing was that getting these assets was more complicated than it seemed.

When we decided to start trading, we came across many obstacles. The first one was time; we would spend too many hours trying to figure out how everything worked. On the other hand, we were exposed to higher risk factors since we didn't understand some of the information that we got while trading.

We got used to the process, and after a few years, we started trading more efficiently because we knew how the market was behaving, allowing us to speculate in a better way. All this gained experience motivated us to create something that allowed us to share everything we learned over the past years, and we finally did it.

What's the Purpose of BitPremium?

This app's main purpose is to take your trading preferences to find appropriate trades, regardless of your skill level or goals. We want to be as transparent as possible with you from day one, which is why we reiterate that this is not a magic app that can make you rich.

It's easy to find scam sites on the internet right now. Most of them tend to offer unrealistic profits or exaggerated accuracy rates. Every experienced trader knows that profits and accuracy rates are two things that can't be precisely measured; there's no way to tell what price Bitcoin is going to have at a particular point, and it's virtually impossible for an app to be 100% accurate on your trades because of market volatility.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, we believe that this app can help you execute trades more efficiently. Since this is a piece of software, it's not influenced by any kind of human emotion, making it even more effective.

Even if you don't know anything about trading, this app does its best to teach you everything step by step so that you know what you're doing and what you can expect from your trading session.

Join Us Now!

Our trading community is growing more each day, and we're happy to see how new traders are trusting our app to learn everything about the process. Trading properly doesn't happen overnight; you need to practice, do research, and wait for the results to come. If you ever fail, you're free to try the next day.

We want to formally invite you to become a part of our community and discover everything that Bit Premium can do for you.